This guy couldn't get a job at Ringling Bros. so he went on the lecture circuit.
What a clown.
Night Owl
i think thats is a waste of time to speak with a stubborn superstitious person.... but we are pattern seeking creatures, and superstition might be an effect and not a cause... enjoy..
This guy couldn't get a job at Ringling Bros. so he went on the lecture circuit.
What a clown.
Night Owl
to gunowners:.
is your gun in a place where a child, unstable person, mentally ill person, suicidal person, or stranger cannot get to it?
do you ..right now, know an unstable person that owns a gun?
Don't own them anymore.
they got the dna to prove it.
there are other dna studies, too - although the ones i've heard about concluded that it was an unknown primate, not a human.
It is YOU who does not understand.
You don't even understand what you believe.
Science is all about POSSIBILITIES.
Not the black and white, but all of the colors in-between.
You are also a MORON........and it shows.
they got the dna to prove it.
there are other dna studies, too - although the ones i've heard about concluded that it was an unknown primate, not a human.
Now, Mr. Flipper, you know very well that the closed-minded will aways be with us, just like the insane one who exclaims that he is not insane.
They feel that because they have left "that closed-minded group of religious fanatics", that they now have an open mind, but they deceive themselves and try to sweep you up into their insanity.
they got the dna to prove it.
there are other dna studies, too - although the ones i've heard about concluded that it was an unknown primate, not a human.
WE WANT PROOF.......................AND WE WANT IT NOW!!!!!!
attention beneficiary,.
i am anyim pius anyim, secretary to the government; federal republic of.
Sent me the money instead.
with the book crisis of conscience detailing the turbulence at bethel during the early to mid 70's, the transformation from autocratic rule to governance by committee or a body of men, many of us can speak to how that felt among the rank and file of the local congregations during those years.
we learned new concepts based in large part to research done for the aid to bible understanding volume, then we were asked or coerced into unlearning those principles, going back to the old ways.
some of us never readjusted, finding ourselves very different from our more hardline compadres.. the inertia for the changes that eventually were initiated in the congregations came from the discovery that the greek words episkopos and presbyteros were used biblically to refer to all qualified men in a congregation, not just one.
TMS, Interesting information, since I came in early 80's.
they got the dna to prove it.
there are other dna studies, too - although the ones i've heard about concluded that it was an unknown primate, not a human.
Go have a stroke.